Contact Us Today 214-295-6095

Our Services

In Texas, understanding the property tax process can be intimidating and confusing. Property taxes are local but the process is governed by Texas law. From the time each respective appraisal district sets the value of your property to the time property taxes are collected, a lot can happen and must happen. Missing a step or performing a function in error can be costly. Brusniak Turner attorneys and consultants do not skip a beat. We remain on top of your property taxes and business personal property tax matters, providing comprehensive services that also include pollution control property tax exemptions and tax abatements and other business incentives when applicable.

Our tax attorneys at Brusniak Turner work with in-house counsel and property tax consultants to address your complex tax legal issues. We will thoroughly review any legal problems or issues, investigate, and advise accordingly. We will also attend mediation or go to trial for you.

Our preference, however, is working directly with businesses and organizations to prevent tax problems from arising in the first place. Our extensive, combined experience throughout Texas contributes to our ability to provide proactive, comprehensive property tax and business personal property tax representation to our clients.

Our clients include small and local organizations to large Fortune 100 companies in the following industries:

  • Energy (i.e., oil & gas production, pipelines, processing, refineries, power generation, renewables)
  • Retail or commercial
  • Agricultural
  • Nonprofit
  • Telecommunications, and
  • Manufacturing.

Before a mistake happens, before a tax problem arises, before you find it necessary to seek legal help, retain the attorneys at Brusniak Turner.

Our clients trust us. Our clients depend on us. Our clients thank us. Because we deliver.

Helping You Save Money

If your in-house counsel or tax consultant has come up against a brick wall and you need outside legal help to correct the problem, contact us. If you do not have or are looking to replace your in-house counsel, contact us. We believe in comprehensive representation and building a relationship with our clients. We would prefer you did not have to clean up someone else's mess. What's more: we prefer you never have to worry about your property taxes being in a mess.

By choosing us, you join other Texas corporate clients -- from Fortune 100 clients to local businesses and nonprofits -- whom we have had the pleasure of helping save hundreds of thousands of dollars on their taxes. Don't hesitate to contact our experienced legal team at Brusniak Turner today.


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