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Daily Texas Property Tax News

Texas Property Tax Law Updates 1/12/2024

Posted by John Brusniak | Jan 12, 2024 | 0 Comments

Texans to face another election after approving property tax cuts

The Texas Tribune

In a state known for too many elections, there's another one coming to Texas' 50 largest counties. This May, voters in those most populous counties will be asked to elect three members of their respective appraisal district boards. When Texas voters approved constitutional amendments to lower property taxes this year they also approved new political positions within their appraisal districts that are now up for election in May.

One LNG plant in South Texas awaits buildout as another seeks a tax abatement


The Cameron County Commissioners Court will soon vote on whether to grant a tax abatement to Texas LNG, a planned LNG export plant just outside of Port Isabel. According to the agreement, Texas LNG would pay Cameron County around $2 million a year and a portion of required property taxes. If the county grants the abatement, Texas LNG will avoid paying around $34 million in taxes over a 10 year period.

2024 Texas Real Estate Forecast


PDF Story.

About the Author

John Brusniak

John Brusniak is the dean of Texas property tax litigation.  He was licensed to practice law in 1976,   His early career involved general litigation and appellate work in both the federal and state courts until he was handed his first property tax matter.  It arose prior to the implementatio...


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